Showing posts with label Guerrero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guerrero. Show all posts

Thursday, 7 November 2024

A "new" motet by Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599): In passione positus (SSATB) [Santiago Codex]

The Santiago Codex of Valladolid is one of the most significant manuscript sources of Renaissance Spanish music in the beginning of the 17th century. Preserved in the Parroquia de Santiago in Valladolid (Spain), it was copied by Diego Sánchez and other unknown copyists. It contains seventy-five works, including three Masses, one Requiem Mass and sixty-three motets: some of them are unique, as they are only found in this manuscript or have some important differences with the other known sources. The significance of the Santiago Codex also lies in its composers: we can find unique works by Cristóbal de Morales, Francisco Guerrero, Juan Navarro and Francisco Guerrero among others.

In passione positus is a five-voice motet by the Spanish composer Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599). It is completely different from the homonym work that Guerrero published in his first printed collection, the Sacrae cantiones (1555). Some small passages and notes have been reconstructed due to the damage in some parts of the folios.

You can buy this score here. Please consider purchasing our scores for the price you want to support Ars Subtilior Editions! 

The Santiago Codex of Valladolid

Masses and motets by Cristóbal de Morales, Francisco Guerrero, Juan Navarro and others

Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599)

In passione positus



Cristóbal de Morales (c. 1500-1553)

Hoc est praeceptum meum



© 2024 Jorge Martín

Monday, 12 February 2024

Duarte Lobo (c. 1565-1646): Missa Elisabeth Zachariae (SATTB)

The fifth mass in the Liber missarum IIII. V. VI. et VIII. vocibus (1621) by the Portuguese composer Duarte Lobo (c. 1565-1646) is based on the five-voice motet Elisabeth Zachariae by the Spanish composer Francisco Guerrero, Lobo's favourite composer (the other two masses in the Liber missarum based on Guerrero's motets are the Missa Sancta Maria, available here and the Missa Dicebat Jesus, available here).

You can buy this score here. Please consider purchasing our scores for the price you want to support Ars Subtilior Editions! 

Duarte Lobo (c. 1565-1646)

Liber missarum IIII. V. VI. et VIII. Vocibus (1621)

Missa Sancta Maria



Missa de Beata Virgine



Missa Dicebat Jesus



Missa Valde honorandus est



Missa Elisabeth Zachariae



©2024 Jorge Martín

Thursday, 2 February 2023

Pedro Rimonte (1565-1627): Missa Tota pulchra es (SSATTB)

An outstanding Mass in the Missae sex (1604) by the Spanish composer Pedro Rimonte (1565-1627) based on the six-voice motet by Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599). The Agnus Dei is scored for eight voices.

You can buy or download this score here. You can purchase our scores for the price you want to support Ars Subtilior Editions. Or you can buy me a coffee!

©2023 Jorge Martín

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Pedro Rimonte (1565-1627): Missa Ave virgo sanctissima (SSATB)

Rimonte published in his Missae sex (1604) one of the Masses (perhaps the most beautiful one) based on the famous motet by Francisco Guerrero (we have already edited the other ones that were published by Gery de Ghersem in 1598 and Juan Esquivel in 1608). The canon in unisono between the two Cantus in the original motet is also here, and Rimonte adds a beautiful Trium in unum canon (3 in 1 canon) in the Pleni sunt caeli and a six-voice Agnus Dei III.

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy our scores for the price you want to support Ars Subtilior Editions!

Pedro Rimonte (1565-1627)

Missae sex (Antwerp, 1604)

Missa de Beata Virgine



Missa In diebus illis



Missa Lapidabant Stephanum



Missa Ave virgo sanctissima



© 2022 Jorge Martín

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Francisco Garro († 1623): Missa Saeculorum primi toni (SSATB)

Our second edition of the Opera aliquot (Lisbon, 1609) by the Spanish composer Francisco Garro is a Mass inspired by the Missa Saeculorum amen by Francisco Guerrero. The Mass is based on the melodic formula of the Tone I to sing a Psalm or a Magnificat.

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy our scores for the price you want to support Ars Subtilior Editions!

Guerrero was a fruitful inspiration for many Spanish and European composers: we have already published the Missa Ave virgo sanctissima by Géry de Ghersem, the Missa Ave virgo sanctissima by Juan de Esquivel, the Missa Maria Magdalene and the Missa Beata Dei genitrix by Alonso Lobo, the Missa Sancta Maria and the Missa Dicebat Jesus by Duarte Lobo, to name a few!

© 2022 Jorge Martín

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Duarte Lobo (c. 1565-1646): Missa Dicebat Jesus (SATB)

The third Mass in the Liber missarum IIII. V. VI. et VIII. vocibus (Antwerp, 1621) by Duarte Lobo (c. 1565-1646) is based on a motet by the Spanish composer Francisco Guerrero.

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy our scores for the price you want to support Ars Subtilior Editions!

© 2022 Jorge Martín

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Juan Esquivel de Barahona (c. 1560- c. 1623): Missarum liber primus (Complete Edition)

We are proud to release the complete edition of the Missarum liber primus by Juan Esquivel de Barahona (c. 1560- c. 1623).

Published in 1608, the Missarum liber primus contains the antiphon Asperges me, three Masses based on motets by Francisco Guerrero (Ave virgo sanctissima, Ductus est Jesus and Gloriose confessor Domini), the six-voice Missa Batalla (with the final Agnus Dei for twelve voices!) on the famous chanson La guerre by Clement Janequin (which also serves as a subtle homage to Francisco Guerrero as he also published a mass on that chanson, the Missa de la batalla escoutez), one hexachord Mass for eight voices (the Missa Ut re mi fa sol la) and a five-voice Missa pro defunctis (Requiem) with the final six-voice motet In paradisum.

Remember that you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

Juan Esquivel de Barahona (c. 1560-c. 1623)

Missarum liber primus (1608)

Asperges me



Missa Ave virgo sanctissima



Missa Batalla



Missa Ut re mi fa sol la



Missa Ductus est Jesus



Missa Gloriose confessor Domini



Missa pro defunctis



© 2021 Jorge Martín

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Géry de Ghersem (1573 to 1575-1630): Missa Ave virgo sanctissima (SSAATTB)

A beautiful seven-voice mass by the flemish composer Géry de Ghersem based on the Francisco Guerrero's five-voice motet Ave virgo sanctissima. It was published in Madrid in 1598 alongside with the masses by Philippe Rogier.

You can buy or download this score hereRemember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

© 2020 Jorge Martín