Thursday, 25 February 2021

Sebastián de Vivanco (c. 1551-1622): Circumdederunt judei Jesus (SATB) (2021 Edition)

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

Friday, 19 February 2021

Sebastián de Vivanco (c. 1551-1622): Lazarus mortuus est & Pater, gratias ago tibi (SATB) (2021 Edition)

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

© 2021 Jorge Martín

Monday, 1 February 2021

Lodovico Agostini (1534-1590): Gaude Barbara beata (SSATTB) [Canones et echo sex vocibus, 1572]

Nr. 3 of Canones et echo sex vocibus, 1572. The Cantus 2 sings an eight-note ostinato with the words Gaude Barbara beataYou can buy or download this score hereRemember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

© 2021 Jorge Martín. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Anonymous: Missa Absalon fili mi (SATB) (ca. 1527)

Absalon fili mi by Josquin (or Pierre de la Rue) is one of the most extraordinary works of the Renaissance. This anonymous Mass is the only extant work based on that motet. Although it is a short Mass (it lacks the Hosanna, Benedictus or a second Agnus Dei) it reflects the "modulation" from the original motet (what Lowinsky called "Secret Chromatic Art") on three occasions, (the Kyrie, Gloria and Credo).

This previously unpublished Mass is an extraordinary work, and we want to thank Alessandra Chiarelli and Armando Tomesani from the Archivio Musicale di S. Petronio for their help with the access to the original source.

MIDI (Kyrie)

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

© Copyright 2021 Jorge Martín

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Bernardino de Ribera (c. 1520-c.1580): Vox in Rama (SSAATTB)

One of the masterpieces of the Spanish Renaissance music, a wonderful seven-voice motet by Bernardino de Ribera, the master of Tomás Luis de Victoria and Sebastián de Vivanco. 

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

© 2020 Jorge Martín

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Jacobus Vaet (c. 1529-1567): Simile est regnum caelorum (SAATB) [Modulationes quinque et sex vocum, 1562]

Nº 3 of Modulationes quinque et sex vocum (Venice, 1562). You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

© Jorge Martín

Monday, 16 November 2020

Ambrosio Cotes (c. 1550-1603): Mortuus est Philippus Rex (SSAATBB)

A wonderful seven-voice motet for the death of Philip II of Spain. You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

© 2020 Jorge Martín

Friday, 13 November 2020

Sebastián de Vivanco (c. 1551-1622): Diligite inimicos vestros (SATB) (2020 Edition)

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

© Jorge Martín

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Sebastián de Vivanco (c. 1551-1622): Cum jejunatis (SAATB) (2020 Edition)

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

© Jorge Martín

Monday, 9 November 2020

Sebastián de Vivanco (c. 1551-1622): Ecce ascendimus Jerosolymam (SATB) (2020 Edition)

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!

© Jorge Martín

Jacques Buus (c. 1500-1565): Congratulamini mihi (SATB) [Primo libro de moteti a quatro voci, 1549]

 Nº 3 of Primo libro de moteti a quatro voci (Venice, 1549).

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy or download our scores for the price you want!


© 2020 Jorge Martín