Thursday 27 October 2022

Sebastián de Vivanco (c. 1551-1622): Missa Crux fidelis (SSATTB)

The only six-voice Mass by the Spanish composer Sebastián de Vivanco (c. 1551-1622) in his Liber Missarum (1608) was based on the homonym motet in the manuscript source E-SAc LP 1 (also available here). As usual, Vivanco writes a tour de force in the Sanctus: the five-voice Benedictus has a Trinitas in unitate canon combined with a 2 in 1 canon (duo sunt in carne una).

You can buy or download this score here. Remember, you can buy our scores for the price you want to support Ars Subtilior Editions!

Other works by Sebastián de Vivanco (c. 1551-1622)

©2022 Jorge Martín