Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Joan Pau Pujol (1570-1626): Magnificat Septimi toni (SSAATTB)

The outstanding Magnificat Septimi toni (SSAATTB) by the Spanish composer Joan Pau Pujol (1570-1626) is copied in two choirbooks (E-SE Ms. 3 and E-SE Ms. 7) in the Cathedral of Segovia (Spain). This edition has been prepared by comparing both sources.

The Magnificat Septimi toni is mostly scored for six voices (SSATTB), with some exceptions: Two versions of the verse Et misericordia are included, one for six voices and another for four high voices (SSAT); the verse Deposuit potentes is scored for four low voices (ATTB), and in the spectacular final verse Gloria Patri Pujol expands it to seven voices by adding a second Altus from a canon at the fifth with the Tenor 2. 

You can buy this score here. Please consider purchasing our scores for the price you want to support Ars Subtilior Editions! 

©2023 Jorge Martín